About Me

Rabbi Barry Silver


Hometown: Stamford, Connecticut

Hobbies: Music, skiing, movies, going out
Music: Rock and pop, country
Movies: Gone with the Wind, Avatar, Shrek
Languages: English, French, Spanish


 I am a post-denominational Rabbi practicing cosmic Judaism, a civil rights/environmental attorney, a former Florida legislator, song writer, and social activist Rabbi-rouser.









Curriculum Vitae of Rabbi Barry Silver, Esq.



Barry has served Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor since 1996, emulating his father, Rabbi Sam Silver’s devotion to interfaith harmony, rational Judaism and social action.  Barry performs Jewish and interfaith weddings, life cycle events, lectures, debates, discusses current events, is an op-ed writer for the Jewish Journal and is a motivational speaker. Barry is the founder of Cosmic Judaism, which merges Judaism and science and is a “Rockin’ Robe” rabbi, offering inspiring and fun Jewish adaptations of rock music. 



Barry practices civil, constitutional and abortion rights, public interest, environmental, and personal injury law. Barry was named Feminist of the Year by Broward NOW after winning a landmark case in defense of abortion rights, was honored by the Black Police Officers of America for advocacy of civil rights and has received many other awards.   


Barry successfully defended a former marine’s right to fly the flag at his home, helped Native Americans save a sacred site from bulldozers in Miami, successfully sued a phony psychic and the City of Delray Beach for conspiracy to defraud, protected citrus trees from the State’s eradication program, sues the police for wantonly shooting dogs, helped keep Scripps off of Mecca Farms to save agricultural lands, blocked anti-abortion legislation from taking effect and has handled many other public interest cases. 


Former Florida Legislator

Barry served from 1996 to 1998 in the Florida House of Representatives where he was named “Most Effective Environmental Legislator” by the Sierra Club and “Consumer Champion” by Florida’s largest consumer group.  Since 1990, Barry has been included in Who’s Who of American Law for significant contributions to the betterment of society.


Community Activist

Barry founded the Palm Beach County Environmental Coalition and Interfaith Justice League and has organized many interfaith rallies, demonstrations and legal efforts on behalf of the environment, civil rights, animal rights, Israel, Native Americans, the homeless and was a local leader of the anti-Trump resistance.


National Appearances

Barry has appeared on MSNBC, FOX News, Hannity & Colmes, CNN, 48 Hours, the Wall Street Journal, the Boston Globe, and other national and local media.



Barry sings original adaptations about politics, social issues, current events and Judaism. 


Rabbi Barry Silver conducts spiritual Shabbat celebrations on Friday nights serving Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor, where Judaism is treasured, reason is cherished, interfaith harmony flourishes, science is honored and outreach is extended to all.


Family Barry is married to Francine and has two activist children, Ari and Brandon.


Hobbies:  Tennis, ping pong, frisbee, trampoline, basketball, chess, social activism, suing the government
Music:  Writing parodies and original music, rock and roll, ballads, Jewish, Latin, French, Yiddish music
Movies and TV:   Star Trek, Cosmos, Casablanca, Journey of the Universe, Shrek, Bill Mahr, John Stewart
Favorite Authors: Carl Sagan, Albert Einstein, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Elie Wiesel, Richard Dawkins and the rest of the 4 horsemen of atheism.
Languages:  English, Spanish, French, Hebrew, and a love of Yiddish

I am married to Francine, a wonderful public school teacher and mother and have two activist children athletes, Brandon and Ari


iMy motto: Carpe diem – seize the day!


Cherish each day, be a blessing, experience the miracle of life.

I am inspired by the teachings and wisdom of Albert Einstein who said "Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind", by Carl Sagan who said that one day religion will be invigorated by the profound sense of awe, wonder and truths produced by science, by Abraham Joshua Heschel who said that religion should produce in us a sense of radical amazement towards everything in the universe and who said he felt as if he was praying with his legs when he marched for civil rights with Martin Luther King, by Anne Frank who said "How wonderful it is that we don't have to wait a single day to change the world", by Thomas Jefferson who said," Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear, by Theordore Herzl, who dreamed of the founding of the Jewish state of Israel and the resurrection of Hebrew as a spoken language who said, "If you will it, it is no dream" by Ben Gurion who said "A Jew who does not believe in miracles is not a realist," and by my father Rabbi Samuel Silver who said "The greatest of all miracles is that we need not be tomorrow who we are today and can improve if we make use of the potentials implanted in us by God." 
The numinous subtle, awe inspiring creative power in the universe, that some have called God, which is manifest in everything in the cosmos and can be found in abundance in the human being, especially those who are not shackled by religious or political indoctrination, and instead are liberated and empowered by the  religious/Jewish quest for holiness, transcendence, peace, justice and love, a scientist's quest for understanding, wisdom, exploration and knowledge, the American quest for freedom and happiness for all people, and the activist's quest to transform the world into a paradise for all creatures as envisioned by the Jewish prophets, as well as sages of all cultures and creeds.  

C'est parfois au cours des heures les plus sombres que naissent les plus belles lumières


Translation:  It is perhaps at the darkest hour when the most beautiful light emerges




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